Love and Blessings Sat Chit Anand Shanti-Shanti-Shanti OM


1. Why does the individual desire knowledge of reality?



SWAMI G: Because they feel incomplete --- something is missing ---- there has come a feeling of separation and attachment to the transient mundane existence ..... true knowledge has been replaced with relational knowledge which has no substance nor center.....


2. How does the individual not gratify the bodily senses?



SWAMI G: It isn't about Not gratifying them but rather about gratifying them in a higher manner ....


3. How do you practice the real meaning of life?



SWAMI G: By finding out what the Real meaning of life is ---- through entering a path and internal search ....



4. What is God's purpose for the soul?



SWAMI G: To Live Life and Experience the Bounty in the Fragrance of Gods garden ....


5. If the mind desires temporary opulence how does the individual diminish that desire?



SWAMI G: By developing Vairagya ..... this takes place as one enters into Mantra - and Authorized practices which begin to loosen the attachments to externals ......



6. What is the way God prescribes the soul to work for God?



SWAMI G: By doing Seva and Karma Yoga to Guru - Family - Mankind .... As Christ so aptly stated what you have done to the least of these you have done to me ....... When i was hungry you gave me food ---- when i was thirsty you gave me drink ..... etc......


7. What are the instructions a human being must implement from the esoteric teaching?



SWAMI G: All of them ..... Instructions are to get a man to a point where the Esoteric Truths are discovered and Known by ones own experience ......


8. What is Absolute consciousness?



SWAMI G: Pristine - Pure - Infinite Potential - it is beyond and before manifested world ... it is ONE ..... Knowing of itself alone ..... simply IS ...... before personalization .....


9. What does Absolute consciousness contain?



SWAMI G: The fullness of it's own divine Being ....... pre world ---- always separate and yet runs like a thread through all of existence ....


10. What are the contents of Absolute existence, perfect knowledge and eternal bliss?



SWAMI G: This is when it is Conscious of it's Self -----


11. What is the authorized Vedic epistemological process?



SWAMI G: The loss of ourselves in the object (LINK)


The notion that pure consciousness is the basis of our being has epistemological consequences. "The Self, in its real nature, is only the silent witness of everything" (Maharishi, 1969, p 98). The pure consciousness is the knower of itself as well as the knower of all events, both subjective and objective, which in ordinary waking-state consciousness are perceived as external to itself. Pure consciousness is described by the adjective "pure" because it is unqualified, completely general state of consciousness. Any mental event is a qualification of the generality of pure consciousness into some specific state. When we see a rose, pure consciousness as if takes on the quality of the rose and loses its unqualified status. Maharishi calls this loss of pure consciousness identification with the objects of awareness (op. cit., p 151). The process can be illustrated by the analogy of a film screen: The screen as such do not have any pictures in it, but when a film is projected onto it, the screen loses its quality-less state and is identified as the pictures that are projected upon it. Pure consciousness has no specific characteristics, but its experience is accurately described as completely general, eternal, and infinite. The specificity of time and space emerges from within the generality of eternity and infinity.


In ordinary waking-state consciousness, the reality of the unity of pure consciousness, underlying the diversity of experience, is lost. This loss gives rise to the experience of oneself (the knower, referred to as 'rishi' in Sanskrit) as moving through the creation (the known, 'chhandas' in Sanskrit), connected to it through processes of knowing ('devata'), an experience that results from not having pure consciousness lively in one's awareness (Orme-Johnson, 1988).


Hence, when pure consciousness identifies with the objects of experience, the knower could be said to be identified with the known - the knower is outside of ourselves. When pure consciousness is lively in ones awareness (described as higher state of consciousness above), the object of experience does not overshadow the unqualified status of pure consciousness and the knower remains within the self, while the known is perceived as outside, separate, from the self. Through further development, the senses can be trained to appreciate the object as emanating from pure consciousness, i.e. from oneself. This state was described as unity consciousness above. Here, no objects are external, they are perceived as reverberations of ones own self, and unity of creation is a constant experience. This state of consciousness is described by a famous verse from the Upanishads in the Vedic literature: "I am That, Thou art That, all this is That" (quoted from Orme-Johnson, 1988).


12. What is the proper procedure in rediscovering jivatma and paramatma?



SWAMI G: By following the path and methodology as given by a Sat Guru .....


13. What are the methods of devotional service under the direction of a self realized soul?



SWAMI G: By again Serving Mankind by Karma Yoga ..... God has no need of pujas .... God is the Creator - Sustainer and Fullness of existence ..... Therefore serve those who are lost in separation .... Celebrate Gods Fullness ....


14. How de you render service unto the spiritual master teacher?



SWAMI G: By doing whatever is possible to sustain and propagate their work for the benefit of humanity.....


15. When is the individual ready to begin chanting?



SWAMI G: When they begin seeking ......


16. How does a material body become pure?



SWAMI G: Forget about purity in a material body ...... better the Soul is found to be that Infinite and Eternal Purity .... Material body is a vehicle for experience on this plane for a limited expanse of time .... treat it as a vehicle and a temple .....


17. What type of discipline should the individual accept while being involved with the esoteric teaching.



SWAMI G: Most important is self discipline ..... to put forward daily sadhana as given ....


18. What is the transcendental process an individual goes through in the esoteric teaching.



SWAMI G: One starts to journey through more and more subtle experience and expansion .... until one looses the separation from personal identification into that vastness of Absolute ......


19. Does God make everything happen such as the thought process of a living specimen, occurrences in the daily lives of living specimens or dreams?



SWAMI G: God is the thought process and Beyond as Pure Consciousness ..... it is the Spark of Divine Consciousness that allows the thought process - dreams etc. to take place .....


20. Is God the doer of all things such as "Saptah Sarva" or when a body is walking, a tree is standing or even the very questions people ask?



SWAMI G: The spark of Divine IS makes it possible -- is the ever present foundation and center ...... therefore it is said that God is the doer ...... without that Infinite Divine Spark no life would be .......


21. Why do some individuals disbelieve in the existence of God and the other individuals believe in the existence of God?



SWAMI G: Ego wants to maintain it's throne of separation it is in deception of it's own inner nature.....


22. What 1st mantra should I focus on as a student of the esoteric teaching?Would it be ok to implement the "Mangalacarana" along with the Maha-Mantra in the form of a cd in the daily practice of a student?



SWAMI G: this would be up to your teacher .....


23. How do I offer food to the Father?



SWAMI G: By offering it to yourself in appreciation ..... by offering it to those in need ..... What need of Food has Eternal Spirit ? Only material form has need of food to keep the vehicle going ....



24. How do I do the will of God?



SWAMI G: Come into clarity ..... once Realization is entered there is only the will of God that remains .... Until then consciously practice Karma Yoga - Bhakti Yoga etc......


25. Why is it best not to chant in a place used for sleeping?



SWAMI G: Only due to the fact that the body and mind is conditioned to close down into sleep ....


26. Is it ok to listen to the "Mangalacarana" and the maha-mantra in a place used for sleeping on a stereo? Is this service to God?



SWAMI G: God doesn't need your chanting .... YOU need the chanting to start to awaken ......


27. Why did it take you 30 years to attain full self realization?



SWAMI G: It took here also 30 years ...... it takes that long perhaps to enter into full Surrender .....


28. When the individual attains full self realization what are the contents of that realization?



SWAMI G: Peace - Knowing the Eternal Self the One without a second takes place ...... the conditioned mind falls away ...... there is a dissolving of separation and simply IS ---- which is beyond world and universal transients - is fully Present ...... it is not a persona viewing God .... the separation of viewer and viewed dissolves ....... the illusion is broken ..... the vastness of esoteric Truth is fully entered .....


29. When does the individual know that there realization is the end of all realization?



SWAMI G: There are no questions that remain ...... it is beyond doubt ...... all the powers and the transients are transcended and simply the Infinite Unchanging Primal IS that is even beyond God as a personalized Being is entered ...... One sees God and speaks with God while still in dual mind ..... there is that Absolute which is even beyond the seeming separation of God and Jiva ..... While the Vaishnava's want to promote that a personal Krishna is the end of the line ----- even going to Krishna Loka which is the highest a devotee can reach is not an eternal happening ..... one remains there only as long as their karmic good deeds allow ..... even the Gods envy a self realized one. Why is this ? Because all the realms are transcended ..... yes to most on a vaishnav path this will seem tantamount to heresy ... but even Krishna himself in the Uddhava Gita points to his being beyond a personalized form ..... Unfortunately most vaishnav Guru's stop with the mindset that in this age mankind is attached to form and therefore they stop at the personalization of God and man as separate as seeker and sought ....


30. Is God going to incarnate this earth again? If so When?



SWAMI G: There will be another avatar .........


31. Are the incarnations of God on Earth pastimes of God on God's topmost planet or other planets?



SWAMI G: There are infinite planes of existence ....... as many as mind can conceive there are ---- it exists .....


32. Is full self realization the same as being 100% God conscience?



SWAMI G: Yes and no ...... depends on what you are meaning by the terms ...... one can be conscious of God and be within duality ....... if they are maintaining it as a separation ...... Self realization goes beyond a separation as persona ...... some take self realization to be when the cognition sees only one self as existence ...... there is yet a step beyond this ......


33. How does an individual conquer pitfalls on the path of the esoteric teaching?



SWAMI G: By maintaining close working contact with your Guru ..... by persevering .... by following guidance to the letter.......


34. How is our existence independent of Krisna?How is our existence dependent of krisna?



SWAMI G: This all depends on your minds attachments in this area ....... being a Krishna devotee it can be said that No existence is independent of God ...... there is No existence without God .....


35. Does the soul quit the body or does the body die?



SWAMI G: The soul departs the body when it's karmic path for this life has been completed .....


36. If an individual is spiritual than at the end of one's duration does that individual soul acquire the means to be spiritual in the next embodiment. And if that individual is materially acting does the same process occur?



SWAMI G: One begins where one left off ....... one reincarnates with a set of tendencies in place ......


37. If the soul is unaffected by Karma why does the soul accept a new embodiment according to the performance of the individual's life?



SWAMI G: It's desires and aversions propel it to .......


38. What is Faith?



SWAMI G: Total Trust and Surrender .....


39. What happens when the individual sees God face to face?



SWAMI G: Depends on what your mindset is ...... like Papaji he used to see Krishna all the time ..... Krishna was a playmate ..... this took place Until he visited Sri Ramana Maharishi ..... then he transitioned beyond the separation and into Self Realization ...... There no longer remains seeker and God personalized ... there the seeker dissolves like a cube of salt in water ..... and only That Divine IS remains as Consciousness ....


40. How does the individual surrender to God, teacher and others?



SWAMI G: By doing the Mantras - Karma Yoga - Etc. from the heart ...... by opening up in gratitude ..... by seeing evidence of deeper experiences which are coming solely since being under the guidance of that particular teacher or Sat Guru .....

Love- Light - Great Peace & IS


© 2004 - 2006 RASA VON WERDER